Cookbook Writer

When I made the commitment to move forward with Operation CookBook I naively thought it might take me 6 - 8 months to get a bulk of it compiled. At the time of this writing it has been 6 months, and I realize I have grossly underestimated the timeline. 

I can’t say I write cookbooks “full-time” as a profession, but I have become a full-time cookbook writer. In January 2015, I started on Operation CookBook, a project that has been pending for the last six years. What would posses anyone to embark on such a journey, I now see as a little insane. 

Here is an idea of what I have gotten myself into and this is just the start!

Finding and keeping the confidence to say yes to a project that won’t make you much money but will steal a lot of your time.

Research cookbooks, blogs and food television shows for current, relevant and compelling material.

Story writing

Recipe writing & testing

Food styling and food photography


Learning how to creating and keeping a current, relevant and compelling food blog. 

Learning how to write cookbook proposals for literary agents and publishing houses.

Researching literary agents and publishing houses.


Staying engaged and positive and committed

Regardless if you are going to self publish or are lucky enough to get an agent and publishing house, there is an enormous amount of work that goes into writing a cookbook. 

As I said, cookbook writing isn’t my “profession” but I can say I have a lot to offer if you are in need of any advice, help or condolences. Please feel free to contact me. 

Stay tuned for the adventures of Operation CookBook here.